Abhinav Srivastav
The village of Gumura under the Jhumpura block in Keonjhar is one of the worst mines affected areas in Odisha. The tremors of explosives used in the mining activities can be felt in the odd times of the day. One can see the red color laddened soil due to the presence of iron ore components washed off due to rain. This soil structure made cultivation difficult for the people of the village. The District Mineral Foundation (DMF) is, therefore, undertaking large scale plantations in the unused barren lands of the people there. This aims at creating an alternative livelihood source of the farmers in the village that would provide a year-round income to them. However , particular farmer Parsuram Sardar is showing disinterest towards the plan and is protesting against the plantation project by DMF citing distrust towards the state government. Now, this has created a difficult situation for the SG Foundation which serves as the implementing agency for the project.